Julie and I returned to the amazing Wild Horse Golf Club in September. It was our first of three golf stops on our long drive out from NY to OR.

A look back at the Wild Horse clubhouse A look back at the Wild Horse clubhouse

A year ago I said “the course was incredible and might become a routine stop for me” and that feeling remains. What made it even better this year was Julie playing the first 9 holes with me. She was still working on a promotion from 50 yards in the Operation 36 challenge she’s working on. We carried our clubs and walked together with an older gentleman also carrying. Julie dropped out after the first 9 so it was just two of us walking and chatting about our favorite golf courses. He’s even more traveled than I and I was able to capture more advice on where to play, especially in the upper midwest.

Wild Horse scorecard Wild Horse scorecard

I played pretty well but for a collapse on the final three holes. Gotta eliminate those double bogeys!

What do I love about Wild Horse? An absence of trees. Interesting contoured greens. Amazing views with thousands of prairie sunflowers. My playing partner commented on the exceptional replayability of the course, and I probably agree but need to play some back-to-back rounds to confirm. I think it would be fun to play different tees on different days after hole location changes.

I’ll leave you with a Fried Egg guide about Wild Horse.
