Salt Creek boardwalk Salt Creek boardwalk

We just wrapped up our last day in Death Valley. It was time to go – the winds started raging and visibility was plummeting.

The day started at Salt Creek Marsh, a fascinating salty wetlands home to an interesting mix of creatures and plants.

Pickleweed Pickleweed

Pickleweed (iodinebush) loves the salt water flats and produces these succulent strings of salty globes. Fun to nibble on as you hike (ranger gave us permission).

Salt Creek pupfish Salt Creek pupfish

Then there’s the Saltwater creek pupfish. These hardy adapted fish thrive in the wide range of waters in the remnants of the giant inland sea that used to cover this area. Speciation has fragmented then into at least 10 species, some now believed extinct.

Julie climbs Ubehebe Crater Julie climbs Ubehebe Crater

Next we made the long drive north to Ubehebe Crater, the remnants of volcanic activity only about 2,000 years ago.

Little Hebe crater Little Hebe crater

We took the 2 mile walk around the main crater as well as Little Hebe crater, smaller but no less striking.

We had to top off fuel before the long drive out and l figured I should share the price of diesel fuel down at Furnace Creek.

Diesel fuel at Furnace Creek Diesel fuel at Furnace Creek
