I skipped the Sunday festivities at GMT weekend so that Julie and I could hightail it up to Redding to see some old friends that have lived there for about 10 years. They went above and beyond, planning an all afternoon kayaking adventure on the Sacramento river.

Our friend Mike works at the Shasta dam do knows just a bit about the river flow. It wasn't quite raging but did have a healthy flow, with a few challenging hydraulics to navigate – especially in our flat topped sea kayaks.

They prepared gourmet sack lunches for us all, plus had a well stocked cooler.

Saw a lot of cool birds: kingfisher, osprey, some ducks I didn't recognize, and a big male bald eagle.

We like Redding. Their neighborhood was pretty torched up in the fires last year, with their house being one of the few to survive on their street.
