I decided I need a title for when I post it not on Wednesday as planned but on Thursday. Sorry.

What I’m Reading

What I’m Watching

  • Ozark – This is so much fun. Breaking Bad with Jason Bateman.
  • The Defiant Ones – Jacob suggested this and fun to watch and educational.

What I’m Playing

  • Band of Brothers – This is my favorite easy-to-teach tactical WWII wargame. In fact my young friend (and future Army officer) Peter is coming over this afternoon for another session. That will be three plays in one week.
  • Mansions of Madness – Geoff and Lisa came over Sunday night and we played this semi-cooperative game. Technically “we won” but I went insane at the end and was forced to try to stop us from winning, and failed. Fun ride and a good successor to Betrayal at House on the Hill (but more complex).

What I’m Contemplating

How I’m Playing

  • Because I’m engaging in a frugal month, playing golf doesn’t fit in the picture. So that means… disc golf! I’ve played a couple of new courses in my area over the past week and I’ll be heading to another tomorrow.

How I’m Hacking my Life

  • Priority Pass Adds Capers Cafe Le Bar & Capers Market To PDX – Holy cow what a great deal. When I flew to Dallas last week, I took advantage of my Priority Pass on both ends. I got $28 credit at Capers (Cobb salad and a glass of wine) and $28 at House Spirits Distillery on the way out. On the way back, I stopped by Capers again and got another salad, which lasted me for two meals when I got home. PDX might be the best airport on the planet for using the Priority Pass (also get Alaska Airlines lounge access).
  • Intermittent Fasting Versus Long-term Fasting – I’m doing the 16/8 fasting model right now and it is easy for me to do. The problem is I’m also training for a half marathon and fasting before I do long (6+ mile) runs appears to be a terrible thing to do. At least my body is telling me that. So no more fasting before my runs the rest of the month, but I plan to resume this after the half marathon when I transition back into strength training combined with shorter runs.
