Today I arrive at BGG.CON, the annual BoardGameGeek convention in Dallas. This is my (n-1)th convention, where n is the number of conventions they've held. I missed #2 because I went to Essen that year.

Once again I will be hanging with Jim Ginn who I met at GenCon in Indy (2004 I think) but really got to know (along with lovely wife Jill) at the first BGG.CON when I went as an exhibitor showing off Havoc with KC and Rita. This is the one show I like to make every year as it always comes right at the end of my football coaching season and makes for a great transition to the holiday season when I like to ramp up my gaming activity. Sad thing is I will miss my sons' high school football playoff game on Friday.

This year I hope to play:

  • Eclipse
  • Ora Et Labora
  • 1860
  • Coreworlds
  • Lords of Waterdeep
  • Unhappy King Charles
  • Antike (with Yehuda in Israel over Skype)
  • maybe some of the new hot stuff from Essen.

But as you can see from the above I don't mind waiting a year.

I also hope to catch up with Texas friends Hamzy (trading local craft beers), Tim, and Jeff (show off the Sony 5-N camera I now own so he can say "told you so").
