Tomorrow I fly to Dallas for my 6th BGG.CON gaming convention, joining the convention a bit later than most but earlier than I usually do. As usual (in a good way) I'll be hanging most of the time with friend Jim Ginn. Also looking forward to seeing Yehuda who I think I last saw when I was in Israel in 2006, though we did play Agricola over Skype at BGG.CON in 2008.

Jim and I have a few traditions that I'm sure we'll uphold this year:

I've been so out of the gaming loop for the past 5 months that just about anything released in 2011 will be new to me, as well as many games from 2010. Jim and I did target some games to hopefully try this weekend:

I suspect we'll try maybe half of these, but you've got to start with a list, right?

For reference, here are my reports from past years:
