This morning (Saturday) Jim and I will be running our makeup practice for kids who missed one or more conditioning workouts during the week. Players are limited to ten hours of practice each week, and are required to get ten hours of conditioning in before strapping on the pads for full contact. So today we'll have kids who missed at least one practice during the week but are motivated to complete their conditioning and transition into full contact.

These are the stations we'll start with on Monday:

  • Tackling Drill

  • Fumble Drill

  • Angle Form Tackling Drill

  • Base Tackle Drill

  • 3 Slot Challenge Drill

  • Flat Back Drill

  • Capture the Flag Drill

Some of these drills come from David Cisar's fine book on youth football but most are classics that you may already be familiar with. Perhaps I'll get around to packaging these up in a PDF to share with everyone.

The coaches are anxious to get to full contact as well - there's only so much evaluation you can do before hitting and this will help us get a much better view on each player. We have three more days of practice after today before the draft, and one or two of those days will be with 13-18 8th graders that will drop down from the varsity level.
