Or at least it seems that way this time of year, though no regrets. My typical day these days: up at 5:30am, carpool downtown at 6:30am, work until about 4pm, then to football practice until 8:30pm. Things will lighten up with school back in - only 3 practices a week. Both boys have their first games tomorrow, schedule:

  • Matthew (the game I'm coaching) plays 10am - noon
  • Head to Canby to film and scout our next opponent, 2-4pm
  • Back home for a quick bite then off to Beaverton to watch Jacob's game under the lights, 7pm-9pm

Then on Sunday I get to help coach a fall baseball game for the boys 4:45pm - 7pm back up in Beaverton. Hopefully will get to do some gaming (of the non-sports type) early Sunday afternoon.

Check back soon for football photos!
