I just finished tabulating my games played for 2007 for Mark Jackson's annual Five & Dime report. This was a down year for me in terms of total games played (only 154) mostly due to a serious lull in gaming as I was finishing up my work around the CheckFree / Corillian acquisition then transitioning to, ahem, mini-retired life. I had one session a month in May, June, and July, then recorded zero games played until September. Things got back into full swing at BGG.CON and I've resumed my regular playing habits.

For reference here is my 2003 Report. Tabulating was harder this year as I recorded my games played manually in my Game Journal. As the year went on, more and more I was tracking games played in my Field Notes notebook, so in 2008 I'm just going to record sessions in BGG.


  • Magic: the Gathering


  • Command & Colors: Ancients
  • Combat Commander: Europe
  • Arkadia
  • 18xx
  • Race for the Galaxy
  • Foppen
  • Werewolf
  • Tichu

Almost made the cut with 4 plays:

  • Canal Mania
  • Brass

Clearly there's a healthy dose of heavy games on this list, and as predicted last year my game playing and purchasing has taken a swing towards wargames. This also reflects a trend in my local gaming group.
