The time is quickly approaching where I'll board a Lufthansa flight here in Portland to join a bunch of my partners and friends for the trek to Essen. Sunriver Games will again have a booth at the fair (hall 4, booth 69) and we'll be selling 24/7: the Game, Abagio, Havoc: the Hundred Years War, and the Havoc Expansion.

Preparing for the show has been nowhere near as involved and tiring as last year. Ludo Fact handled all of the final production for 24/7 and the first set of copies will be delivered directly to our booth. Quite a bit easier than hand assembling, shrinkwrapping, and carting the games to Essen in our luggage.

Not to say that we don't need to bring any games with us. We are going to take about 35 copies of Abagio and KC came up with the brilliant idea of packing 4 Havocs inside each Abagio box (yes, there's an excess of air in the box). This will allow us to bring about 100 copies of Havoc (supply is dwindling, and what we have leftover after the show will be sold through Funagain). There are currently no plans for a reprint though we will reconsider in 2007.

We have a few special promotions going on at the show:

We also managed to pack our buttons and the Havoc Expansion into the dead space in the Abagio boxes.

Essen Prep

Carey purchased three travel trunks to cart all of the goods. With my Star Alliance Gold status, I should be able to check all three of the trunks without any extra cost with Lufthansa. Fortunately (or unfortunately) this should give us lots of space to pack up purchased games on the home trip.

Carey Packs for Essen

If you are heading to the show, you might enjoy listening to my segment in the Dice Tower, episode 23 where I talk about 10 things you need to know about going to Essen. See you at the show!
