Julie, the boys, and I drove out to Salishan today for Thanksgiving weekend. Jan and David came out on Sunday and we are all very excited to have our first extended time here with a furnished home with very little work to do. Plus... yesterday we had broadband cable internet setup and we are stylin' with wireless internet access here.

Yesterday we had some old, nearly dead trees removed so I've got some updated pictures of the house that give a better view.

This is the view from adjacent to the driveway. That's the roof of the carport in the lower left, and you can see the non-functional elevator with the weathervane on top.

We don't have any big plans for the weekend other than watching some football, playing some games, and getting in some beach touch football action. What games did I bring? Here's the list:

View from the back of the house. There's a great ocean view from the picnic table.
