This is mostly for my own reference, but here's my schedule at GenCon this weekend:

Friday, August 20

  • 8-10am -Giant Seafarers of Catan (Jacob and I, BG00354)
  • 10am - noon - Gamebase7 - we'll be hanging out!
  • noon-2pm - Work at Days of Wonder booth (Jacob and I)
  • 3-4pm - Uberplay small box games (Jacob and I, BG00905)

Saturday, August 21

  • 10-noon - Work at Days of Wonder booth (Jacob and I)
  • 1-5pm - Groundhog Recess, Big Eyes / Small Mouth (Jacob, Matthew, and I, RPG00120)

Sunday, August 22

  • 8-1pm - Castle Greyhawk, RPGA (Jacob, Matthew, and I, RPGA00034)
  • 1-3pm - Work at Days of Wonder Booth
