Joe Huber did a great job of summarizing the impressions of games from the Gathering. Below is the summary of his work. The rating system: + = thumbs up, 0 = neutral, and - = thumbs down. Based on everything I've read, I'm most interested in Power Grid, St Petersburg, and Goa.

Alexandros              000----  
Blue Moon               ++000--  
Boomtown                +++0  
Buyword                 ++++  
Cargo                   00--  

Coda                    +0---  
Dawn Under              000--  
Die Steven Seagal       +00-  
Dos Rios                ++++000000000------  
Egg Dance               ++00  

Einfach Genial          +++++++++00000000-  
Employee Of The Month   +++++000000--  
Fifth Avenue            ++++++0000000---  
Goa                     ++++++++++++++++++00000  
Hansa                   +++++++++++++++000000000---  

Immer Oben Auf!         00----  
MaNiKi                  ++++  
Marco Polo              ++++00000-----------  
Memoir '44              +++++++++  
Oasis                   +++++++++0000000000---  

Oh Pharoah              ++000000---  
Power Grid              ++++++++++++++++++++++0-  
Saga                    +++++000000000-----  
St. Petersburg          +++++++++++++++++++00000000000  
San Juan                ++++++++++++++++++++000000  

Santiago                ++++++++++  
Spy                     +0-----  
Sunken City             ++00000-----------  
Tahuantinsuyu           ++++0  
Ticket To Ride          +++++++++++++++++++++++++++00-  

Tongiaki                +++0----

Sorted by approval ratings (assuming everyone who didn't rate a game would give it a 0 - thanks to Randy Cox for doing this last time!):

Ticket To Ride          68%  
Power Grid              55%  
San Juan                53%  
St. Petersburg          50%  
Goa                     47%  

Hansa                   32%  
Santiago                26%  
Memoir '44              24%  
Einfach Genial          21%  
Oasis                   16%  

Buyword                 11%  
MaNiKi                  11%  
Tahuantinsuyu           11%  
Boomtown                8%  
Employee Of The Month   8%  
Fifth Avenue            8%  

Egg Dance               5%  
Blue Moon               0%  
Die Steven Seagal       0%  
Saga                    0%  
Oh Pharoah              -3%  
Tongiaki                -3%  

Cargo                   -5%  
Coda                    -5%   
Dawn Under              -5%  
Dos Rios                -5%  

Alexandros              -11%  
Immer Oben Auf!         -11%  
Spy                     -11%  
Marco Polo              -18%  
Sunken City             -24%
